Terms and Conditions

Last update 2023-11-02


This website ( hereafter the “Site“) has been created by the Ministry of Tourism (hereafter or the “Ministry“), based in via di Villa Ada n. 55 – 00199 Rome (Italy), to promote the entire tourism ecosystem of Italy in order to enhance, integrate and promote its offer.

The Site, as well as the entire organisational and functional structure, are still being defined and completed and, therefore, subject to continuous changes and additions and must, for all intents and purposes, be considered as temporary and provisional and, more generally, under construction and completion.

Some sections, sub-pages and/or parts may still be inactive and/or lacking in content as they are being developed. The Site is therefore to be considered incomplete and constantly being updated and adapted.

At this stage, the contents of the Site are merely for informational purposes and to present the main functions carried out and, also to allow for its expansion and updating, which may be subject to suspensions of accessibility and usability deriving from the necessary technical interventions.

Also following the foregoing, accessing, browsing and using the pages and/or parts of the Site entails the unconditional acceptance by the user (hereinafter the “User“) of the provisional and incomplete nature of the Site and the content of these Terms and Conditions (hereinafter the “Terms“).

These Terms may be, in the course of time and without prior notice, modified and/or updated, in whole or in part, it being understood that (i) said modifications shall be effective as of the date of publication of the same on this Site, and also considering that (ii) said modifications shall only be applicable to access and/or use of the Site after the aforementioned date of publication. The use and navigation on the Site after the date of publication of said modifications implies acceptance of the Terms as modified. Therefore, Users are invited to regularly access this section to check the publication of the most recent and updated Terms and Conditions of the Site.

The use of the Site and related services is permitted to those over the age of 14. By accepting these Terms, the User:

  • declares and warrants that he/she is at least fourteen (14) years of age;
  • for Users of minor age, declares that he/she exonerates and absolves the Ministry from any responsibility regarding the actual traceability to the holder of parental responsibility of any consents expressed for the specific personal data processing purposes that presuppose them (pursuant to Articles 6 co.1 lett. a) and 8 of EU Regulation 2016/679). For more information on the processing of personal data, please refer to the privacy policy published on the website.


The contents of the Site – including data, news, information, images, graphics, drawings, trademarks, and domain names – are the property or its partners, unless otherwise indicated, and are protected by copyright and industrial property and trademark legislation. The Site may also contain images, documents, logos, and trademarks of third parties who have expressly authorised to publish them. The third-party material is also protected by copyright and trademark law.

Except for strictly personal use, the User is not granted any licence or right of use and is therefore not permitted to record such content – in whole or in part – on any type of medium, reproduce, copy, publish or use it for commercial purposes without prior written authorisation, except for the possibility of making a copy for exclusively personal use.

Terms of Content Publication

The information contained on the Site is produced by internal sources of partners, unless otherwise indicated. We have right to change, at any time and at its own discretion, the content and functional and operational methods of the Site, without prior notice.

The information contained on the Site is provided in good faith by periodically updated and verified. We ensures that the information contained in the Site meets the requirements of reliability, correctness, accuracy, completeness and topicality. In any case, We does not assume and therefore declines any and all responsibility for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions and omissions that may be found in the published content, whether they derive from material errors or misprints, data imputation, formatting or scanning. The same considerations also apply to content, received on the Site, produced by third party companies to which relies. When browsing the Site, the User must carry out an independent and additional verification of the accuracy of the information contained therein.

The contents of the Site are for information purposes only, providing a general indication of the services offered by the Ministry’s partners. For detailed information regarding the types, characteristics and conditions of the services presented through the Site, the User is advised to contact the Ministry’s partner that published it or otherwise made it available, to whom any request may also be addressed in the manner presented in the pages of the Site. 

Access to external linked sites

Links to third-party websites may also be included on the Site. We are responsible for the content of any other website through which – via a hyperlink – the User has reached one of the Sites and for that of the websites accessible – via hyperlink – from the Sites themselves, nor for any loss or damage suffered by the User for any reason whatsoever as a result of his or her access to websites to which the Sites are hyperlinked.

The indication of links to third party websites does not imply any kind of approval or sharing of responsibility on the part relation to the legitimacy, completeness and correctness of the information contained in the sites indicated.

Limitation of liability

Furthermore,liable for any failure to use the Site, for any delay in updating the relevant information, or for any damage resulting from any interruption, suspension, delay or anomaly in the connection to the Site due to the supply of electricity or telephone service or the malfunctioning of the Internet or any other cause beyond control.

the technical structures, also of third party suppliers, delegated by the same, protect the computer system against the risk of intrusion and the action of programmes aimed at damaging or interrupting its operation, through the adoption of suitable electronic instruments and antivirus systems. It is, however, the User’s sole responsibility to equip his or her own electronic tools used for surfing the Internet with programs and systems designed to guarantee safe surfing in telematic networks and adequate protection against viruses and other harmful programs.

Access to the site from abroad

Any user accessing the Site from a country other than Italy is expected to conduct himself/herself in full compliance with the laws in force in the latter country and expressly warrants that he/she will not use the Site and the material contained therein in a manner that would result in a violation of applicable law and these Terms and Conditions. 

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and all disputes relating to their execution, interpretation and validity shall be subject to Italian law, the jurisdiction of the Italian State and the exclusive competence of the Court of the place where has its headquarters. This is without prejudice to the rights granted to Users by binding provisions in force in their country of residence that provide a higher level of consumer protection. 

Contacts for reports

To report inaccuracies and/or updates of information on the Sites, the User may contact the names indicated in the relevant ‘contact’ sections of the Site, where they are active, or by e-mail to: info@migrationboarditaly.com, where the ‘contact’ section is inoperative.
