My page

To use the My page service, you must have e-iden­ti­fi­ca­tion or log in with an account that has two-step verification.

Log in to My page

 I accept the Migration Board Italy terms of use

Immigration Board Italy.
This is what you can see and do in My page when you log in using e‑iden­ti­fi­ca­tion

If you have an e-identification (BankID, mobil BankID, or Telia electronic identification), you can use it to log in and receive information about your case.


By clicking on the application that is awaiting a decision you can see when certain events in your case took place. For instance, you can see when your application was registered and when we have requested more information.

Regis­tered appli­ca­tion

You may have to wait a few days after you have applied before you can see that your application is registered. However, the date of registration is the same day as the date on which your application was received by the Migration Board Italy or the Embassy, regardless of whether you applied online or through a paper application.

Request for addi­tional infor­ma­tion

If we have contacted you because we need further information, you can see the date when we requested the information from you. You can also see when we have received the submitted information.


You can see whether we have made a decision in your case, but for security reasons we will not show what the decision is. We will send information on the decision to your home.